About the program

Digital Skills @ Adult Education Logo

This project aims to:

  1. the strengthening of adult teacher's skills
  2. the formation of a modern digital training environment
  3. the use of more pupil-friendly teaching approaches as well as the effective integration of modern pedagogical methods, such as inquiry-based learning and the encouragement of creative thinking through the use of digital tools and technological merits
The project is produced by our body (DIGITAL IDEA) and includes training of our members (adult educators) abroad in two mobility flows:
  • The first mobility flow will take place in the Czech Republic and includes the training of six (6) adult educators to use ICT in adult education and a focus on e-learning technology and creating digital class.
  • The second mobility flow will be in Italy and includes the training of four (4) adult educators with a to familiarize themselves with the integration of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube) in education and lifelong learning.
We expect our plan to help develop policies and activities relating to digital progress of European countries for the period up 2020 and have an effect on adult education systems helping to reform of policies and attracting new resources for opportunities mobility in Europe.

Training material

Social Media in Classroom

Using e-learning Platforms

Training in Bologna / Italy entitled “Social media in Classroom”

Members of Scientific Association DIGITAL IDEA within the framework of the approved European ERASMUS + program in the field of Adult Education (2018-1-EL01-KA104-047326) participated in Structured Course / Training Course in Bologna/Italy entitled “Social media in Classroom”.
In Bologna's mobility at IFOM, more than 20 teachers from many countries in Europe had the opportunity to improve their digital skills in a practical way. Participants had the opportunity to train themselves on modern digital social networking tools. The main objective of the program was to integrate social media into adult education teaching, enhance collaborative learning as well as exchange experiences on good teaching practices in the use of innovative tools in digital education.
The members of the association that participated in mobility are: Siakavaras Ioannis, Kechagias Ioannis, Ioannou Maria, Ioanna Karageorgou. Social media in Classroom

Training in Prague / Czech Republic entitled “Using e-Learning Platforms

Members of Scientific Association DIGITAL IDEA within the framework of the approved European ERASMUS + program in the field of Adult Education (2018-1-EL01-KA104-047326) participated in Structured Course / Training Course in Prague / Czech Republic entitled “Using e-Learning Platforms”.
In Prague’s mobility at ITC, more than 12 teachers from many countries in Europe had the opportunity to train on modern distance learning platforms such as Moodle.
The members of the association that participated in mobility are: Tanos Ilias, Kitsakis Konstantinos, Stamatiadis Evangelos, Petrou Nikolaos, Malakos Stamatis and Ioannidis Dimitrios. Using e-Learning Platforms

Dissemination and exploitation workshops

Open events were held for Adult Trainers of the program entitled "Digital Skills @ Adult Education" and code 2018-1-EL01-KA104-047326.
The main results of the program presented were:
- integrating social media into Adult Education
- exchange of experiences on the teaching of innovative tools in the digital classroom
- integrating distance education platforms into Adult Education and
- enhancing collaborative learning.

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